a charming birthday

Privacy: anonymous

The thing that I have learnt about living; which ofcourse includes just about every damn thing we do while we're alive be it just goofing around or working hard to earn bread; doesn't have to be like pushing yourself hard everytime; the fear of losing out to everything else; i would more likely call it a numbing situation like fr. The thought of starting this lifeintext thing in itself was an NS for me but I am gonna anyway. Numb. Thesaurus.com states the synonyms of numb as dazed and indifferent. The closest term i could find to portray my deprived sensitivity towards my worrysome life was numb. I simply refused to take accountability. I didn't take drugs except for developing a taste for alcohol over the period of a couple of weeks later the previous year. Turned out that my skin is allergic to alcohol when consumed in greater amounts and can lead to violent rashes over my arms and feets which by the way hurt like hell forcing me to take anti histamine. Yeah that wasn't cool and no fun to deal with. I continued nonetheless. I dropped it later though the previous year for other reasons. What's love? Love would be like raising your hand to catch a hold of those sunrays refracting underwater while you're drowning underneath. You keep moving your feet to stay afloat and give it all to catch a hold of that surface. You keep pushing.You want to feel the warmth. When he came into my life I was sure as hell buried on the ocean floor with maybe a couple oxygen bubbles floating around. I couldn't care less if they popped. But that felt like a couple photons managed to surpass the layers and hit right at my iris. It lit up my view. He's a special man. Still going yeah. 


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