Subject: Minutes of the Meeting: Understanding workflow better

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Company: Happiest Health

Minutes of the meeting

04-08-2023, 14.00 – 15.00

Feedback on the productivity of July

  • In July, the writers were successful in achieving their goals. To know the metrics, please refer to Mayank's Excel sheet that was presented in the meeting.
  • The team received positive feedback from Amazon and IT Madras, as well as Dinakaran, so kudos to us!
  • Congratulations to the team for their excellent work and design! In all aspects, including online copies, magazines, social media posts, newsletters, and reels, the team has been hitting the mark since June. Let's continue to maintain this high standard.

Writer metrics

  • Writers will be evaluated based on the number of page views their articles receive.
  • We understand that it can be challenging to attract views, so we are committed to identifying and addressing any pain points.
  • Writers are expected to produce a minimum of eight stories per month.
  • Writers are encouraged to start focusing on creating engaging reels.

Raghu’s new motto: DON’T ASSUME, DON’T SULK, ASK!


Feedback from Raghu: This has already been conveyed numerous times.

  • Plan ahead.
  • A lot of times, writers fail to conduct sufficient research, which can lead to unclear visions for their stories.
  • The story that comes later should align with the initial brief.
  • Starting from September 1st, it is required for everyone to have a bank of stories ready for two weeks.
  • Team Leaders (TLs) will not follow up for any overdue stories.
  • If any member goes on holiday, TLs should not be expected to cover their work. It is important to be mindful of this.
  • Whenever there’s feedback given by TLs or desk please don’t sulk, critical feedback will always help you improve.
  • Kindly reach out to Raghu or TLs if there’s any issue instead of discussing it amongst yourselves.
  • Please help TLs reduce their burden, we’re all in this together.
  • Do not delay revising stories for too long. Be patient, learn, and collaborate.

Other updates:

  • Anirudh is being moved to Alnoor’s team
  • Please refer to the email from Veena regarding the timelines for the magazine, and make sure to follow them strictly.
  • If you wish to view your organic views (online stories), please contact Alnoor for assistance.
  • For all the writers, please start following the recent social media protocol by Varsha.


I hope I have covered everything; Happy weekend :)


Best fishes,

Zainab Anjum,

Meow for now 


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